Huwebes, Marso 31, 2016

The Greatest Scientist of the Philippines: Dr. Pelagio F. Battung, Jr.

Everyone, let us acclaim and celebrate the first Filipino and the only one out of two achievers in the world to be conferred the Doctorate of Environmental Science by the German Federal Government: DR. PELAGIO F. BATTUNG, JR. It took 13 years for the doctorate to be finally awarded. From Nuclear Scientist to successful Environmental Scientist! Congratulations!

The entire nation is mightily proud of you Doctor.

Your accomplishments are unparalleled in Philippine history except by Rizal and very few others you can most certainly count with the fingers of one hand.

Dr. Battung (middle), wife Lian Battung (right), with friend Frank (left)

Dr. Battung analyzing telecom studies
In a meeting with younger colleagues
The scientist and a young Filipino telecom engineer
The inimitable Pelagio Battung, Jr.

To think that Mr. Al Gore, who is the Devil's own incarnate, and is making mountains of dirty money from the Carbon Fund, "Environment Campaigns", "Climate Change" blitzkreig crusade, called Dr. Battung in his tweet for all the world to see: "The little brown monkey from Asia." The devil will fry for eternity, monkeys or no monkeys. May Al Gore be damned forever together with his ilk for being the biggest idiot ever incarnated from the bottomless pit.

The next time you hear anyone mouthing anything about the Ozone hole in the North Pole, climate change from carbon shit that's Goreism. Otherwise, its also Gorism or Goryism. Just turn away from those people. You might end up in the scary world of the wretched or at the very least, in an institution for mental health.

Al Gore's fear of Dr. Pelagio Battung sprang from his extreme humiliation during a world scientific conference where he proclaimed himself chairman of the proceedings decades ago, when Gore's improbable theories, moronic hypotheses about global warming were proven false by Dr. Battung.

In front of many respected scientists from all around the world, Gore received the greatest embarrassment that he would never forget in his entire life. When he went to Manila, for a speaking engagement at a local Convention Center, again to propagate his idiotic personal beliefs that surprisingly many are too gullible to swallow hook, line and sinker like Hans Sy, a relative of Henry Sy, the owner of SM Shoemart and Sen. Loren Legarda Leviste, among many others vulnerable to Mr. Gore despite his unspeakable personality, the American profilers of Mr. Gore that were at the entrance specifically barred Dr. Battung from entering into the convention area even though the good doctor presented an invitation letter.

Sen. Loren Legarda even intervened and talked to Dr. Battung not to pursue participating in or watching the event. The gory Mr. Gore uses all his power to bar people from being in the same room with him because of his humongous fear that he will be humiliated time and time again.

 Gory Al Gory
Photo Credit: Brenner Brief
Photo credit: Mystere Moonbat
Photo credit: Mystere Moonbat
Photo credit: Mystere Moonbat
Photo credit: Mystere Moonbat
Photo credit: Mystere Moonbat

Currently, Dr. Battung is engaged in telecommunications projects and the popularization of the C-RESULTS energy saver that comes in the form of a card and saves energy up to 40%. The same card was slightly modified to adapt to harnessing scalar energy in the human body, leading to a better state of health. Another use of the energy saver is lowering fuel oil consumption in motor vehicles and other fuel consuming devices or equipment.

Dr. Battung's product is being patronized by many of the leading big corporations in the country today.

See also:

Posted under Themes:

#ClimateChange, #GlobalWarming, #Ozone, #CrudeOil, #Ecology, #AlGore, #CarbonFund, The Carbon Fund, Carbon Emission, Fluoro Carbons, Greenhouse Effect, Climate Risk, Climate Management, North Pole, fake climate crusade, former US Vice President Al Gore

Lunes, Marso 28, 2016

RCBC Fires Maia Dequito

Recently, RCBC fired Maia Santos Dequito and Angela Torres. Ms. Torres is crying foul and complains “harassment from RCBC top brass.”

The case of RCBC is unprecedented, but there are other scams that have gone way up higher than the world’s tallest skyscraper that went undetected. Investigators still need to uncover for instance what happened to many heritage accounts at the Central Bank of the Philippines – CBP (renamed by Tita Cory to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas thereby giving away the CBP’s license as a Bullion Bank.)

Unscrupulous officials and private individuals have been milking the heritage accounts by conning the holders and signatories of those accounts and enriching themselves by forging the signatures and misrepresenting those real holders and signatories.

The RCBC scandal is really such a miniscule affair, too insignificant were it not for the alarm bells it raised due to minor mistakes made by the perpetrators. But the moral, legal stakes and other considerations involved here are too enormous even at this early juncture. Reportedly, $850 Million were still supposed to be transferred to the Philippines, but the transaction for that amount was stopped.

For all we know, there have been several schemes of different modus operandi that were used during the time of Tita Cory Cojuangco Aquino, Joseph ‘Erap’ Estrada and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Under this regime of Aquino, how many of these kinds of scams have been successfully accomplished? We sincerely do not know. That is why we are asking.

What the RCBC scandal is not revealing to the public are details that everyone needs and deserves to know.

For instance, the referrer to Ms. Dequito of the new account applicants, Mr. Kim Wong, does not operate without the go signal of the highest authority in the land – the President of the Republic himself.

During the time of Erap, Wong and Charlie ‘Atong’ Ang ascended to great prominence along with other small time crime world operators. They had the blessings of the highest official of the Philippines. Wong got a special space at the government operated casino at the NAIA (now defunct). Charlie ‘Atong’ Ang, spouses Dante and Teresita Tan of the BW scandal and the Ping Lacson bugging device scandal, among many other Filipinos and Chinese came into very high places in society and earned oodles and oodles of both legal and dirty money from legitimate and criminal business.
Atong Ang
 Financial sponsor of a female presidentiable
Donor of 5 Billion increased to 10 Billion to a female presidentiable
Crime Lord waiting to make a comeback to Malacanang

Atong Ang held court at Malacanang and the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) as if he was the chairman of the board and that the Office of the President and the DOTC were his empires. The guy is full of shit and yet he was allowed to lord it over government the way he did during Erap’s incumbency. WTF. Ang is now reported by media to be sponsoring a female presidential candidate whose survey ratings have soared into the sky after announcing a fake Supreme Court “decision.”
Earlier, it was published by an online site that RCBC can fire Dequito. Apparently, RCBC got enough sense on its own and it did fire Dequito together with her loyal sidekick, Ms. Angela Torres.

It is not necessarily a mystery why Mr. William So Go wants to exonerate himself from the scandal. Ms. Angela Torres declares that Go was the one who received millions of dollars on board an SUV and signed the receipts for the monies given to him. Go is vehemently denying everything Dequito and Torres are saying.

Billions of Peso worth of stolen money went into the hands of chinese and RCBC personnel
Mr. William So Go, former owner of S & R Shopping Centers
He denies receiving money or opening any new account for the hacked money

Linggo, Marso 27, 2016

Philippine Telcos Are Duping Filipinos, This Is How

Part 2 of a series

In our previous post, we complained that sometimes the speed of Smart Communications Internet is just plain zero, zilch - 0.

Smart Communications boasts of Internet service of 8 Mbps up to 100 Mbps shared bandwidth speed.  But this is hardly the case. Look at the results of speed tests below run by a subscriber: 

Several well meaning entities like Telecom Asia, the Asian Development Bank, Universities and Colleges, among many others, have painstakingly tried to root out the problem and ended up trying to analyze to death the cause of Smart Communications's and Globe Telecom's high pricing and excruciatingly insufferable miserable internet speed. F___g Shit!

The Ayalas of Globe Telecom, Manuel V. Pangilinan, Orlando Vea, Ramon Isberto and Napoleon Nazareno of Smart Communications thirst so much to explain to the public why their service is shit.  But they cannot even get around to doing that. How much more to improve their service?

Ayala Group may be a little ashamed of displaying Globe Telecom in their corporate ID.
Globe is conspicuously absent in above logo. They may have other reasons for doing so.
Jaime Zobel de Ayala
Fernando Zobel de Ayala

Globe Telecom is doing austerity measures at present: Hundreds and thousands of its workers will be placed on contractual hire basis, like the thousands of workers of SM Shoemart who will never get a chance to be regularized.  Globe Telecom spends 1.5 Million pesos severance pay for its regular workers that leave the regularized staff inside Globe. It will take a horrendously huge miracle for Globe to think and spend out of the box and take on the challenge of improving its service to the public.

But if the Ayalas are willing to shed off the image of thieves, they can actually do it. And Smart will be salivating with envy when gigabit fast internet from Globe goes online.

None of the feeling-very-intelligent individuals and institutions that published and relentlessly continue dishing out this and that study about why Internet is slow in the Philippines have arrived at even the least respectable guess as to how these two giant companies survived bilking the public without returning a modicum of good, fast internet service and still have not yet been killed in the process.

These ogres should have been jailed by now, were it for absent anti-trust laws and rules and regulations in the Philippines similar to the RICO in the United States and its equivalent in other honorable, conscientious societies.

Sadly, the oligarchy are the only ones that survive and live well in this country. The rest of the have-nots non-hispanic indios and non-intsik just have to suffer all the inanities and oppressive conditions of living in the abnormal Philippine society and hope that the next day, there will still be bread to live by and fare money to go work with.

On the other hand, the thieving National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) and the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - that have no running websites now due to hackers' defacement resulting from extremely slow internet service - will not lift a finger to help or goad these two telecom giants to improve their service to the public. Much less the newly created agency of that faux pas, superlatively corrupt chief executive in Malacanang, called Information, Communications Technology Office - ICTO (short for IMPACTO).

The telcos are running a public service, for which they received a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), but what are they doing? What are the monstrous NTC and the halimaw, kurimaw ICTO and DOST doing not rescinding their license? Por Dio Por Santo, the sinful people up there must be bashed several times to make them recover from their serious malaise.

This is an abomination.

If you observe and analyze the Smart Broadband speed test result in the screenshots shown above, you will note that the download speed of that particular Smart Internet product is around 1-2 Mbps.  But their upload speed is only a deplorably measly 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 Mbps. What kind of connection is that? What kind of happy interchange in our Internet can be experienced when you receive your data, you are supposedly getting a turtle paced crappy speed of 1-2 Mbps but when you send your data you get only a worm like, shitty inchmeal pace of only 0.2-0.4 Mbps. That is immoral!

How can you receive data at x Mbps and send at only 1/10x Mbps? What is the effective communication efficiency there or why have such an indecent network throughput measure? It is unthinkable!

Considering that Smart Communications, for instance, is billing its clients twice for the same Internet Service (you register with SURFMAX for 995 pesos one month then you re-register with BIG BYTES when, for every single day of usage, their Data limit is reached), what is the rationale for billing clients a horrendous amount of money when in Malaysia, Singapore among many other countries all around the world you get cheaper but better service, faster internet connection?

Furthermore, as if our suffering was not yet enough, why should telcos sell Data piecemeal like selling cooked rice in cup, bowl, platter, pail, drum? How stupid the strategic marketing thinkers of Smart or Globe could get just to get big money out of small idiotic pin size products! When you have internet, everything from Voice, Video, Data Transfer, Music, connectivity of the Internet of Things (IoT) is already free! Why retail Data? These stupid summabitches need a spanking with spades on their foreheads. 

This is blatant highway robbery, robbery in broad daylight.  And the government is just to happy to look the other way because they are benefiting from the unethical practice through gifts, rewards, bribes and other illegal forms of incentives.

Recently, the summabitches people of the crime-conniving and colluding National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) proudly announced that they are conducting tests here and everywhere on the bullshit speed of Philippine Internet Service Providers. They are finding out valuable information from the tests. The officials of NTC must be out of their frigging minds. Their own non-compliance with the rulings of the ITU, and ipso facto, no licensed telco, ISP will follow the law.

The conduct of tests do not, even in a very, very small way, help solve the problem of tormenting, agonizing, torturously slow Internet. Those crazy, moronic, greedy government officials and staff in NTC, ICTO, DOTC and their private sector hangers-on and lackeys should hang for their sufferance of corrupt bribers and conspirators that pay them off by the dozens and dozens to hundreds of millions to keep silent about the open resistance, bold disobedience of everyone in the communications industry of the rules and regulations of the International Telecommunications Union.

Why conduct tests when all the voluminous published material of the trying very hard intellectual would-be masterpieces explaining lengthily about the issue of why Internet is so full of results of tests conducted there and tests made there and tests everywhere on the speed of Internet in the Philippines. Santa Santissima!!!

NTC, ICTO, DOST, along with their favored private sector BFFs are all guilty of violating the rulings and covenants embedded in the periodic and regular Resolutions of the World Radio Conference (WRC) assemblies organized by the International Telecommunications Union.

Giving away for instance the most powerful radio frequency to just one entity alone, Liberty Telecom Holdings Inc. (formerly organized by Raymond Moreno with F. Arthur Villaraza as his lawyer, and since around mid-2000 taken over by the group of Villaraza and former First Gentleman Jose Miguel Tuason Arroyo, a distant cousin of presidential candidate Manuel A. Roxas II) is a complete slap, a very painful one at that, on the face of the International Telecommunications Union.

Atty. Canobas. A quisling of former First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo
Smiling Canobas arrived at the footsteps of government a poor man. As soon
as he was about to leave the National Telecommunications Commission, for
the great, innoble act of defying the International Telecommunications Union,
he suddenly had a string of big houses, multi-million priced luxury cars and SUVs.
Such a fortunate greedy, corrupt supposed servant of the public sector

 The inimitable First Gentleman Jose Miguel "Mike" Tuason Arroyo.
Sponsor of Atty. Ruel V. Canobas to the post of Commissioner, NTC.
Former First Gentleman Mike Arroyo. He holds the National Telecommunications Commission,
Information, Communications Technology Office, Department of Science and Technology in his
hands and constantly twirls it between his stubby fingers. Under the regime of the dark man in
Malacanang. How in Heaven can he do that? How is the NTC Commissioner not being removed
from office when he is a chimoy of the First Gentleman? Executive Secretary Ochoa is said to be
a classmate and close friend.  So what is the modus vivendi between the regime and Mike Arroyo?

Atty. Arroyo now allegedly now owns the lion's share of San Miguel Corporation.
How the hell did he put his hands on the millions of shares of SMC?
Only God and Gloria might know.

Atty. Arroyo's presence will be felt all around the Philippines for a long, long time.
Very, very, very happy NTC Commissioner
Gamaliel Cordoba and his beloved pappy Mike

If the NTC, the ICTO, DOST will not take back their decision to completely give away the radio frequency spectrum - the 700 MHz spectrum that penetrates through everything most effectively and is the most efficient, low-cost frequency spectrum to operate, SMC will topple Globe Telecom and Smart Communications but will have a Damocles' Sword on top of San Miguel.

San Miguel Corporation will not be able to operate in peace. At present, SMC is nursing its wounds from the backing out of a sweetheart deal it had with Telstra of Australia - a former government company formed out of two public sector agencies of Australia.

A great deal of both open and underhanded tactics and strategies drove Telstra out of the SMC-Telstra joint venture.

The problem of SMC is that it does not realize that while Globe Telecom and Smart Communications are out to lose a lot if and when the SMC ISP and telecom business will go online, there are several ways to beat its primary weapon - the 700 MHz spectrum.

Technologies now exist that can cure the defects of both Globe and Smart. The only problem is that will the two giants get around to it and end the dismal state of Internet Service in the Philippines dominated by the two giant telcos?  That's the 600 million dollar question.

To be continued.

See Part 1 of series

Related Readings:

Slow Internet hurts business in the Philippines - Cecil Lardizabal, CNN

Why is our Internet so slow? - Lila Shahani, Philstar

The real reason internet access in ph is slow and expensive

Posted under Themes:

700 Mhz, Corrupt, Corrupt DOST, Corrupt Former First Gentleman, Corruption, Danding Cojuangco, Department of Science And Technology, Information And Communications Technology Office, DOST, Fernando Zobel de Ayala, frequency spectrum, Gigabit, Graft, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Jaime Zobel de Ayala, Jose Miguel Tuason Arroyo, megabytes per second - Mbps, miserable service, Mon Isberto, Narcisa De Leon, National Telecommunications Commission, NTC, Orlando Vea, Polly Nazareno, Radio frequency, Ramon S Ang, Raymond Moreno, Robbers, Robbery, Robbery in Broad Daylight, spectrum, Thieves of Internet Billings, Very Corrupt President 

Sabado, Marso 19, 2016

RCBC Can Fire CEO Lorenzo Tan-Maia Dequito

The Senate Investigation into the stealing of United States Dollars Eighty One Million (US$81,000,000) appears to be useless. They have not been able to unearth the true and real facts about how the stealing of the money actually took place. And where is the money now.

The central and key role players Kim Wong, Maia Santos Dequito, Lorenzo Villanueva Tan and other officials of RCBC including those of other banks, the casinos, will never reveal the real truth about the transaction. They will merely keep saving their hides and divert the investigation somewhere else.

Illegal Drugs kingpin Kim Wong
Gained power and notoriety during the time of President Joseph Estrada
 RCBC Chief Executive Officer Lorenzo V. Tan
RCBC Jupiter St. Branch Manager Maia Santos Dequito

The Chairman of the Board, Helen Yuchengco Dee and the rest of the Members of the Board of RCBC can fire CEO Lorenzo Villanueva Tan and Maia Santos Dequito for Criminal Negligence, Ignorance, Greed and Economic Sabotage.

 Amb. Alfonso Yuchengco, RCBC Chairman Emeritus
RCBC Chairperson, Helen Yuchengco Dee

The premise for this dishonorable removal from the rolls of RCBC are as follows:

1. Just because Tan and Kim Wong are good buddies, Tan should still have conducted proper due diligence on the source of the fund that will be transmitted to the Philippines from its foreign origin. In which case, the FINCEN and financial intelligence should have been notified and involved, along with the rest of the verifying authorities in the international banking community - not the least of which is the international anti-money laundering secretariat.

2.  Tan and his subaltern Maia Santos Dequito refused this because they needed to push through with the transaction without any hassle. But it was incumbent upon them to stop the transaction if and when there were irregularities particularly on where the money originated from.

3.  When the transaction was already in progress, Tan and Dequito, withdrew large amounts of money for themselves as manifested by a witness who saw Dequito's car being loaded under her own instructions with no less than Philippine Pesos Twenty Millions (Php20,000,000). Did they include other members of the Board or key officials of the RCBC?  Then they did not implement the stop order from the New York originating bank and the stop request from Bangladesh Central Bank.  How cruel, beastly and stupidly greedy is that?  They knew that shit will hit the fan, but come hell and high waters they proceeded to release the funds. Are they that beholden to criminals?  Dequito was also under instructions to fly away as far and as fast as possible but she was technically accosted, short of being arrested, by officers of the law at the NAIA prior to her flight.

4.  Lorenzo Villanueva Tan and Maia Santos Dequito knew that there were knowledgeable individuals and institutions that could help them. They were even introduced properly to those entities. But they lifted their chins up high, berated those parties and stated in no uncertain terms that they already had the situation under control. How stupid is that?

5.   During the time the transaction was in progress, the CCTV in RCBC Jupiter Branch was reported to be non-functional according to Laurinda Rogero, the RCBC anti-money laundering head. Is this part of the highly criminal modus operandi of Dequito and her boss?

Criminals never know when lightning and thunder will strike. And that they will be the next victims. Like all gamblers, criminals always go into the commission of crime knowing that they will succeed.

The natural law prevailed in this case and Tan and Dequito might go to jail for all we care. But the government must resolve this case and not be a pushover or a whitewasher if it must preserve the image of the country in the international financial community.

The places where the money was delivered to:

Midas Hotel - operated by Lucio, Zaldy Co, Bantug-Benitez, allegedly owned by Mike Arroyo
 Resorts World Manila - operated by Andrew Tan Megaworld but allegedly owned by Mike Arroyo
Solaire Casino - owners based in Macau 

Linggo, Marso 13, 2016

When will Philippine telecom companies stop fooling Filipinos?

Month after month, one registers the one-month unlimited internet service of Smart Communications through their product SMART BRO. The service is dirt poor, it is so slow even for a one-month package and you are not assured that you will get uninterrupted signal for one day. The effective speed that you can use is less than one mega byte.

At times, the speed is just plain 0.

In the beginning there was UNLISURF and you register with the SMS message sent to SMART BRO number 2200 and you get the reply:

1/2 14Jan 19:35: You have successfully registered to Smart Bro Unlisurf 995 valid for 30 days. Php995.00 has been deducted from your load balance.

2/2 Now, enjoy 30 days unlimited surfing for ONLY Php995.00. Just send Unlisurf 995 to 2200.

The bloodthirsty wise guys of SMART Communications suddenly changed their policy. You are supposed to buy unlimited internet service, but only up to a certain limit every day. From the product name UNLISURF, they changed the name to NEW SURFMAX.

1/3 You have successfully registered to the NEW SURFMAX995. Enjoy All day surfing up to 800MB/day. Load is valid for 30 days.

Effectively you don’t have any more unlimited service but you keep paying for the same price for unlimited surfing in the United States where the currency is in US Dollars.

But then not to worry says the sneaky devil Smart Communications you are advised, if you have consumed all your daily 800MB Limit, on top of your monthly package under NEW SURFMAX to just register again for their BIG BYTES so-called promo where Smart Communications says you can avail of unlimited data. That adds salt to the injury.

Rogues Gallery of The Biggest Thieves (of Smart Communications)
Manny Pangilinan
Mon Isberto
Orly Vea
Polly Nazareno

Imagine registering twice for the same service and being blackmailed to pay two times.

Why are these immoral and indecent Manuel V. Pangilinan aka bading, erstwhile communist CPP-NPA-NDF Orlando Vea and sidekick Ramon Isberto, Napoleon L. Nazareno, their bosses at the Salim Group in Indonesia and all the other leaders of Smart Communications so greedy that they cannot provide good enough service and yet keep padding and padding their collections from the consuming public!  They should refrain from this horrendous practice of amassing so much revenue without returning as much to their loyal patrons like us!

Smart Communications should stop picking pockets, robbing people of money. The officials of the National Telecommunications Commission is hereby called to task to stop receiving their salary that comes from us, hardworking citizens of this country if they cannot squelch this blood curdling thirst of Smart Communications for dirty income. Shit!