The people are tired of living under the very dark aegis of the current regime. It appears as though a cloud of evil enveloped the country.

From the onset, weird things were happening under the disguise of "reviewing contracts," therefore there was a complete cessation of public spending.
No projects were being started or continued, everything came to a halt. Other rationalizations came in the form of: "We have no money, the previous administration spent it all, and advanced budget allocations ahead of time..." and so on and so forth. But nobody believes this canard. Because it started to show in the burgeoning national budget despite that there was no spending being made.
The funds for mysterious utilizations like the dole-outs called conditional cash tranfers or CCT, Development Acceleration Program - DAP, among many other diabolically ingenious money-grubbing schemes by the national leadership, ballooned into mind-boggling size that the hunger for money of these creatures becomes clearly, shockingly unbelievable.
Where do they get the gumption and gutzpah to engineer such thievery of the people's money? It cannot be because of telephone and mobile cellular conversations with pastors, Cardinals nor the Pope himself. Because such horrific, sinister schemes speak only of the work of the darkest elements and the malevolent so-called laman-lupa.
To make it worse much further, this administration was not only lazy, it was insane. The regime was both psychologically and somatically impaired. The disease it suffered was incurable, irreparable.
When everyone noticed that MalacaƱang was never holding any Cabinet Meetings at all (inpossible for any administration anywhere in the world - but the minions were all in agreement and enjoyed traipsing and gathering money all over town) it pretended to hold such meetings. Yet no meetings took place. The supposed leader dictated terms of endearment on how to tastefully, very slowly kill the regime's enemies. The great idiotic leader cajoled them into filing cases before the artificial pretend cabinet meetings. When the pretend meetings came, he cajoled them further, over and over again like a decrepit record player - but this one spewed saliva all around.
This filing of cases - even one against Philippine and World Champion boxer Manny Pacquiao was all part of a masquerade borne of a depraved and diabolic mind.
However, it will be near to impossible for these cold hearted and dark spirited creatures to win in any situation, for always crime does not pay.
The rule of law always prevails. Even in the situation of powerful banksters ruling the global economy, where they hold sway over all of us small people - the citizens of the world - the tides are already shifting. Soon as not, these fiendish ogres will ultimately get what they deserve: the wrath of the People.
No matter how heinous and nefarious the capability of these wicked few in society now lording it over the public coffers and wielding power over the seemingly helpless Philippine society and people, they cannot triumph.
Even the Secretary General of the United Nations himself was shamed into visiting Tacloban City after all the members of the world community of nations admitted to the fact that the entire league of governments, including that of Aquino's quisling regime have failed a small chartered city in Eastern Visayas and embarrased itself in the bar of international public opinion.
Whatever the U.N. will say to the contrary, if ever, has no use, because the entire world population has spoken: everyone, to the exception of no one, failed the victims of Yolanda. And after all, Mr. Ban Ki Moon like Aquino, is not perfect and absolutely as adequate as unselfish saints and prophets and will not attempt to rationalize the situation nor draw flak any further than he already has.
So now we go into the scenario where we have all been lied to with thorough impunity from the Quirino Grandstand fiasco, to the Zamboanga Siege, the Malaysia farce invasion engineered behind the scenes, and all the other violent, harmful conundrum that the pitiful country has been drawn into by these tyrant monsters.
The situation is thus:
Someone is painfully doing everything very hard to delete a sin in his heart kept for a long time, diluted by substances and chemicals known and unknown, all the sudden staring into empty space, all the impulse to be alone to smoke and smoke and shoot with guns. But the sin will not go away. Instead the sinner will have to go somewhere and leave the place where he does not deserve to be at all.

It has something to do with the death of a very young female inside a car that was caught during a running gun battle between soldiers from the Reform the Armed Forces Movement involved in a coup d' etat in the late 1980s and those defending the government. Her date promised her a "Joy Ride". It was a Joy Ride that led straight to hell.
That animal will die someday but this time, that animal has to go and fast. Not to mention that in the long run, that animal will be haunted by all the ghosts of those real people that died because of crimes he committed and all of his ommissions. The country never ever had a need for an abnormal creature in that post much less the elder beast that spawned this creature. Mr. Ricky Monfort shared this article:
The vaunted Dinner in NY pales in comparison with the "Boston Flower Arrangement"
Before and during the wake and funeral of the late Madam Corazon Cojuangco AQUINO CORY, it was bruited about that the Filipinos lost a mother, a woman of integrity, an icon, etcetera.
It was said that the death of the late Madam Corazon Cojuangco AQUINO CORY was a great loss to the Filipino nation but it was also an opportunity to use her well talked about popularity to kick out GMA from the presidency, among other possibilities. See the rest of the article here.
Its not true that the guy wants to be President once more after six years. There is no more time left for the guy. He caused the death of an innocent young female and this West Point Academy graduate officer of the Philippine Army, Armed Forces of the Philippines to lose his legs. Even the West Point of the US itself and the parents of and the victim Army officer themselves, are forbidden up to this day to expose the real culprit of that incident where one life was to be sacrificed just because of an insane date in the middle of gun battles raging and a gentleman from West Point Military Academy had to lose his legs. That culprit has to go. If this is not one of the greatest reasons we can never solve in the Philippines, graft, corruption, lying in the face of the public such as a psychologically impaired broadcaster who killed his wife and is instead not restrained from gallivanting freely about and showing his face shamelessly over national television, no other will suffice. It is truly high time for the Pinoy people to take real action. Article Source: The omnibus blog.

From the time of the ascendancy of the forcibly installed ruthless regime up to this time, the dragon might have taken its sweet time to sleep but its waking time. And the reptile is poised to strike at the visible and known enemy. The signs are in the air as they had always been, as the writing on the wall says it will:
The criminals have to thank the Heavens that the Guillotine has been banned from use. But then again, with an awakened world movement against corruption, they will have nowhere to run nor hide. But for the dragon, the catch is, to make something like this stupendous and grand-scale chicanery never happen again, especially to the blessed Filipino people.
The criminals are well-advised, surrender, embrace jail or just plain succumb to suicide. Crime perpetrators, your ball.
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